Saturday, February 16, 2013


I think we can all agree that the saying should be updated to: “A watched iPhone never gets a text.”

And then you get that buzzing in your pocket, but it's not a text. It's just the NYTimes app doling out a little box of news. Nobody even died just some yada yada foreign country yada yada 12 dead 19 injured. Oh right I meant nobody famous died, so your brain barely scans the information before clicking the lock button and slipping your phone back into your pocket. At least if someone famous had died it'd be something to talk about with people, something you'd maybe even get to be the first to tell people who don't have news apps or pay any attention to Twitter. Another buzz and speak-of-the-devil it's a Twitter notification, but oh good lord it's that guy whose Twitter profile has been hacked sending another stupid DM inviting you to take surveys for money at home again. The thing about spam is that it's not that it's so annoying to get a meaningless tweet every other day; it's that sad moment when you go from, “Ooh! Someone tweeted at me!” to “Oh.”

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