Sometime soon I need to spend a week on a mountain or something with a backpack that contains only the scriptures, a lot of water, matches, and some kind of simple food packets.
accumulate quirky, fucked up stories from mormon youth life, things that could only have happened in LDS families, gay stories, maybe some from people close to mormons but not mormons themselves, etc. go to FMH, LDS message boards
write a blog on how feminist theory conflicts with the gender essentialism of transgendereds
learn more about semantic technology
Coheed and Cambria comic
cds on computer!!!
popular mechanics!!!
cooling fluid
learn sudoku, maybe rubix too
picture/good desktop/screen saver idea: art timeline of favorites, of themes (female nude), of tricks/novel (sometimes paradigm shifting to som extent) such as mirror fun
buy a telescope
Mondays: Foodie Asshole
Tuesdays: Figuring Life Out, diary blog that is
Wednesdays: Naked, After Peeing Blog
Thursdays: Pray Always
Fridays: Relax? (good idea/bad idea blog, xanga too, if applicable)
Saturdays: Beer Review
Sundays: Notebooks, Phone, Stand up
Mormon dance, skirt only comes to two inches above my knees, but im a lesbian. Like my mother throwing out life or something like it
Lip balm addicts, looking for just one more little piece on the floor
Do a video impression of Alice Waters with her little fucking bird voice and the way she talks:
“You know, one time one time I had a Bic Mac. I was on a plane flying to a convention on the ecological benefits of locally sourced produce, and I was very hungry and so I decided to do a little experiment, so I went to the McDonalds drive-though. It was tasty, but.. nondescript.”
12/23/2020 – Reading 2666
See, when I start an affair in my head with a woman, the thing I do is to read books she suggested or I know she likes, or watch movies, listen to music etc. And when I watch/read/listen I am with her, I am making love to her, I am communicating with her, she is giving herself to me.
Interaction between my British flatmate (:]) and me: “Yeah, I had an okay morning, not too hungover, just kind of out of it. Oh and then I had diarrhea, well, I mean I didn't have to go a bunch of times, just like one big...event. It's really, well, and you might have a different term in England, here we call them the beer shits.”
I think this should be a commercial for Facebook:
-My mom excited about Facebook, telling me she's figured out three things it's for:
1.On your home page there's this thing where you can see all the things your friends have been doing lately
2.Then you can go to your friends' page and say something to them
3. And then they can go back to your page and say something to you
"...Yes, Mom. It's... fun, huh?”
Now she's concerned about several sisters in the ward because she's noticed they're spending a lot of time on Farmville, so she speculates that they're not leading fulfilling lives right now.
Jesus is Lord Pamphlets, business cards, dried lemons, rolling paper business cards..
I'm not even sure I'd prefer to be rich actually. For one thing, you only become accustomed to a higher and higher level of extravagance, which you will still experience on a relative level, so that you won't appreciate things any more than you do now. A working class man's enjoyment (his dopamine level, to put this scientifically) of a McDonalds #3 will spike just as much as mine does for a really good banh mi. His $14 steak at Outback Steakhouse on a special occasion will have a similar effect for him as perhaps an $19 hemp encrusted trout at some new restaurant has for me. Were I to make much more money, this might become a $26 dish, more of the time. There's a lot more to food for me as a foodie that has to do with my neophilia and interest in menus, etc. but the basic principle applies.
Not only that, but also you'll only be all the more inundated by the insane amount of options and choices available to you, leaving you thinking even more and more about whether you've bought the best this or that, whether you're going on the best trips, etc. All this takes away from your enjoyment of things in the moment, as you instead spend your attention thinking about what could've done and wallowing in doubt.
possibly even better than a fresh out of the oven is a cookie that was been refrigerated and then is warmed just to the point where on the outside it's warm and melted and gooey, and one the inside it's still cold and a little firmer, so that you get both sensations at once, the amazingness of the layers adding to and complementing each other like the layers in well layered sushi. mmm, like sometimes it's hard to decide between eating a package of cookies as cookie dough and eating it as fresh baked cookies, and maybe you can have it both ways at once.
ohmy god i just discovered dancing while lying on the floor. it developed out of my laziness to get up from off the floor of my bedroom, but simultaneously wanting to burn a few calories off the levain bakery double chocolate chip cookie i just reheated and ate, and it is really fun. and i discovered this to MGMT?'s Electric Feel, the Justice Remix. I believe this is the second time I'd ever listened to that song, having downloaded it after hearing so and so's - endorsement of it on the Slate Cultural Gabfest. You know, these people are actually doing what I want to be doing with my life. I just realized these people are my actual idols. And I couldn't think of the word "endorsement" for a moment, so I went on to my iTunes to find which word they were using, and I happened to pick the week and the exact moment when what's her face endorsed the camera she likes, the Canon Power Shot S-90, and I had been looking for that endorsement cut and hadn't been able to find it because I'd totally wanted a good camera recommendation and had asked some friends and googled it but hadn't really gotten any good information, and so this recommendation was perfect, and she almost didn't give it it sounds like b/c she kind of apologized that it wasn't really a cultural endorsement per se. thank goodness.
Canon Power Shot S-90*
*I ended up getting a cheaper Fuji camera, which may or may not** have been a good decision.
**It wasn’t.
apparently i need to try the philipino dish: adobo - a vinegar stew/soup
Frances ha
Thomas Pynchon
Heard Yacht sale instead of yard sale because I was trying to give socioeconomic benefit of the doubt
Make Shana a potato people shirt soft cotton v neck
Make potato people shirts in cafepress
TV show; midget Mormons
Boston atheists meetup atheist church
Book; What to do about it
Best thing I ever ate:
BBQ chicken tortilla soup (added fish stock to the BBQ chicken reduction from when Shana made pulled chicken) with a little bit of retried beans mixed in, plus Shana homemade Mac and cheese, wirh cilantro and lime
Liz prince
Roller skating with scissors
Podcast: topics
T Shirt: Keep Talkin' buddy, you're probably going in a cartoon
Stephen king book - tv show of it dome
Lord of the flies
Seen: the other guys
Eat oysters while high
Bill maher's new rules rant June 24 thish
Just different enough shirt
Spectrum Pride shirt
Ass burgers pride shirt
Bare stories if sex desires of romance
Watch Porn documentaries
Competitive erotic fiction
The revel singers
Much ado about nothing
The east
Biography and music:
Joni Mitchell
I am amazing sign for morning and night
Karl tickling Albert
Dad potato sack maybe
Call andrew
2666 p 69
Song: "blue room"
Native American language with no nouns
Book on native American spirituality
Drama gifted - page 86
Teach yourself beginners Japanese - p. 20
Find spiritual community
Cartoon class
Tshirt - foodies taste better
Smiley licking lips
30 Nike code
Stroke of insight
Alan watts / where do I end?
Song truth
Brene brown vulnerability (shame?)
Carl Jung tribute
Brene on narcissism and shame
Black female Mormons sitcom
The inward
Inward Jim
Church tenants:
Yeah everyone's busy too, but laundry is a great chore. I really believe everyone should do it. Like, if I were to, god forbid, ever form my own religion one day, I would make it a tenant that everyone should do his own laundry. Go start your laundry, and read a book while it churns. Do this Once a week, in lieu of church.
Joel olsteen has a book: every day a Friday - how to be happier 7 days a week. I'm probably not going to read it, but it looks like he's on to one of the secrets: every day should be filled with purpose and meaning, while maintaining the peace of knowing the future will also be great
Book: the social conquest of earth
I think I'm going to start going to prenatal yoga classes, not only because I imagine it to e more my speed, but because my body is shaped like t's pregnant anyway.
Scarlett johansson and fuckij juliet Lewis runnin karaoke Jesus
and other Lessons from Canada
Poison venomous poison
Spanks, spanks n boots
Being thin
Beyond the wall of sleep - Wolfgang buchta
Hitch 22
In the presence of absence - Harriet
1st Corinthians 13: 1-8
Listen to The Wall, baked
Colors by culprate
Berlin - metro system of a down - metro
To read: the golden notebook by Doris Lessing - seems to share some of my ideas about TNOE
The dispossessed by Ursula le guinv
Bol ; the antidote , twenty-something zen and the art of suggestion
History of the world
The gods must be crazy
The arcade revival -
Ingenuity va ingeniousness bcc daz etymology disingenuous
Read party monster
Sharon needles - drag queen
To read:
Ismael Kadhari -
"I'm fine with you flirting."
-shana Dobson, notarized
A non-narrative immersive documentary about seep sea fishers in New Bedford
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