Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Hey, Mr. Google

I’ve noticed that over the last several years, I’ve progressively been googling as if I were talking to a person. I used to pride myself on googling efficiently, but now I guess I’ve just sort of started enjoying talking to google colloquially more than I enjoy feeling efficient.

Assuming I’m not the only one talking to google like it's a person, this may be evidence that we really are approaching The Singularity.

I couldn’t think of that term for a moment while I was writing this, The Singularity, that is, and I also couldn't remember what it actually was, or at least I didn’t wanna hurt my brain spending the energy to think it through, so I googled, “What's the point at which technology..."

And then I thought, "Whatever, it’ll know what I mean."

And it did.

The first result was some article called “What’s the point of keeping up with technology?

And then second was "Technological Singularity."

Good thing I wasn’t feeling lucky, but still. Nice, job, Mr. Google.

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